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Our Mission is to help people live in agreement with

God’s divine design.

Your gift to support our mission is quick, easy, and secure and will go to work immediately to help us expand our message, our materials, and our trusted Media.

Listen to this helpful interview with Eric Cumley, a Certified Financial Planner™, on how to give tax-free:



Donate by Phone:

(425) 354-8517

Donate by Mail:

The Legacy Institute
P.O. Box 82746
Kenmore, WA 98028

The Legacy Institute is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

Donations made Electronically

If you made a one-time online donation or give monthly through electronic funds transfer (EFT), you should receive electronic verification via email. Please call us at 425-354-8517 if you aren’t receiving verification of your online donation.

Matching Gifts

Some employers match the dollars you give to The Legacy Institute. Many businesses, big and small have matching gift programs to encourage employees to donate money to charities. As a 501(c) (3) organization, The Legacy Institute is eligible for many matching gift programs. Follow these simple steps to participate:

  1. Check with your Human Resources department to see if your company has a matching gift program.
  2. Email us at if you need our Tax ID number or with any other questions you may have.

Workplace Campaigns

Workplace campaigns, sometimes called workplace employee charitable fund drives, are charitable solicitation programs conducted at places of employment. Most gifts are made in the form of pledges via automatic payroll deduction, where contributions are deducted from an employee’s paycheck over the course of the next year or, in some cases one-time contributions.

Corporate Giving Campaigns: Many companies participate in workplace giving through United Way campaigns. These giving campaigns enable their employees to make a difference in local and national charities. The Legacy Institute is active in these United Way campaigns so you can select our name when you participate.

Qualified Charitable Distributions from IRAs

If you’re age 70.5 or older and you own a Traditional (pretax) IRA, you are eligible to make a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) directly from that IRA to Legacy. And, if you’re an IRA owner who’s at least 73, a QCD will count toward satisfying your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year! Eligible individuals can distribute up to $100,000 from their IRAs to Legacy annually. The payment must be made directly from the IRA to The Legacy Institute in order for the distribution to qualify as tax-exempt. If you’re ‘age qualified’ and want to make a distribution to Legacy from your IRA, please call us at 425-354-8517. We’ll provide you with the information needed by your IRA custodian to make it happen. Finally, if you’re not yet 70.5 but you know people who are—relatives, coworkers, friends etc.—would you please let them know about this powerful way to support the mission of Legacy? We’d be deeply grateful if you did. Note: While QCDs made directly from pretax IRAs are not taxable, they are not tax deductible either.

Honor and Memorial Gifts

When a loved one passes it is an emotional time for everyone. We understand and will do what we can to help you honor their passing. When we receive memorial gifts in honor of a particular person, we record the information and send a letter commemorating the gift to the donor. If you would like to discuss an additional commemoration for your loved one, please call us at 425-354-8517 or email us at

Donations of Investment Securities

At Legacy, we’re equipped to receive donations of publicly-traded investment securities (mainly stocks, mutual funds, bonds, and ETFs but other securities may be eligible.) To donate investment securities, please call us at 425-354-8517. We’ll provide you with transfer instructions needed by your brokerage firm to complete your donation. Note: If you hold highly-appreciated securities in a brokerage account, those can be uniquely well-suited for giving. Generally, if you itemize on your tax return, you can take an income tax deduction in the amount of the full fair-market value of the donated shares (limitations may apply.) Neither you nor The Legacy Institute will pay tax on the appreciation (capital gain) when the shares are sold…a big advantage for both. It is our policy to sell donated securities upon receipt and transfer the resulting cash proceeds to Legacy’s operating account.




Legacy Review