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Radio Shows and Topics Trending

February 19, 2024

Waking Up to the Goodness of God

January 25, 2024

Letter to the American Church Documentary

October 13, 2023

Foundations of Freedom Help Israel and Bring us Together

November 28, 2023

Parent’s Personality Disorders Driving Trans Kids Surge

July 23, 2024 in Pastors, Politics, Pro Life Issues

RNC Platform Change Upsetting But Not Surprising

The new shortened platform is upsetting pro-life and pro-family people, understandably. Where did evangelical clout go? Is the Church doing the heavy lifting on the…
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July 22, 2024 in Culture, Politics

News and Views

President Joe Biden is “standing down” from his presidential campaign race. Kamala Harris appears to be the heir apparent. Big news on this ongoing story.…
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July 19, 2024 in Politics

What Was Communicated at the RNC?

What a week! Incredible, positive and powerful speeches from amazing every day Americans, political leaders, the next President and Vice President of the United States…
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July 18, 2024 in Politics

The Best Voter Guide Anywhere!

iVoterGuide is the nation’s largest candidate research organization, focused exclusively on informing and mobilizing voters with biblical values. For over a decade, this deep-dive voter…
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July 17, 2024 in Addiction, Healing

A Powerful, Positive Journey to a New Heart!

Do you have a loved one struggling with addiction? Mike Miller, Resident Director of New Heart Place, joins us with stories of redemption through an…
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July 16, 2024 in Culture, Politics

Trump Picks J.D. Vance for Vice President

Day 1 of the RNC brings a lot of excitement with intriguing and surprising speakers, including the head of the Teamsters Union and the V.P.…
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July 15, 2024 in Culture, Politics

The Miracle Moment of 2024

Former President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt. His strength under fire, literally on display as was the grace exhibited by his gracious wife, Melania.…
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July 12, 2024 in Culture, Politics, Spiritual Growth

Go Along to Get Along?

Christianity Today’s recent article about a third-way mandate for evangelicals is getting a strong response. Should we influence others or stay quiet in the public…
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July 11, 2024 in Leadership, Politics, Social Media

SCOTUS Decision on Censorship Draws Angry Response

Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government, says, “It is appalling that the Supreme Court failed to rein in the intelligence and law enforcement…
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July 10, 2024 in Family, LGBTQ, Parenting

Responding to Homosexuality and Trans Issues

Jeff Johnston, Culture and Policy Analyst for Focus on the Family, joins us to bring important insights on how to respond to loved ones when…
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July 9, 2024 in Family, Marriage, Pastors, Spiritual Growth

Marriage and Family: the Basis for Strong Faith

J.P. De Gance, President and Founder of Communio, joins Carrie to share important research on the power of strong marriages and families in transferring faith…
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July 8, 2024 in Culture, Politics

News and Views

While questions surge around Biden's mental health, he rejects calls for him to drop out of the 2024 presidential race and ABC changes the transcript…
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July 4, 2024 in Education, History, Leadership

Celebrating Independence Day

We bring some inspiring history. Thomas Jefferson (who penned the Declaration of Independence), John Adams, and Abigail Adams are examples of incredible strength, fortitude, reason,…
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July 3, 2024 in Leadership, Life Skills

The Real Cost of Your Choices and 16 Things to Unite America

Small choices seem inconsequential, yet they may actually determine who we become! How can we unite America and become people with more virtue? We go…
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July 2, 2024 in Culture, Politics

Vulnerable Digital Systems and Terrorism

Last week, a cyberattack hit a huge number of car dealers in the United States, and other systems are just as vulnerable. Did we create…
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July 1, 2024 in Culture, Politics, Religious Freedom

Free Speech or Bullying?

Pride month went out with a whimper, so what has happened? Are corporate executives changing their views or just saying no to bullying? For the…
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June 28, 2024 in Gender Identity, Leadership, Politics

Pushing Back on Title IX Assault and Wisdom from Ronald Reagan

Kristen Waggoner, CEO, President, and General Counsel of Alliance Defending Freedom, joins us to discuss the Biden Administration's assaults on girls and ADF’s strategy and…
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June 27, 2024 in Family, Men, Spiritual Growth

Fathers as Provider, Protector and Priest

Carrie spoke recently at Westgate Chapel on Father’s Day. Her encouraging words and insights were intended to elevate the powerful role of fathers and bring…
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June 26, 2024 in Leadership, Pastors, Spiritual Growth

What Does Scripture Say About Women as Pastors

Various denominations differ in their views on this subject. We asked Shane Idleman and Jeremiah Campbell, two pastors with differing views on the issue to…
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June 25, 2024 in Leadership, Pastors, Spiritual Growth

How to Respond to Leaders Who Fall

Well known leaders continue to step down from ministry due to ‘past’ sin, such as Dr. Tony Evans, or Pastor’s whose past abuses have been…
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June 24, 2024 in Politics, Pro Life Issues

News and Views

Today is the anniversary of Roe’s evil reign ending. Louisiana puts the Ten Commandments back in the classroom! A new film tells Jesus Christ’s story…
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June 21, 2024 in Family, Spiritual Growth, Women

The Power of Strong Women

Chuck Colson left a powerful legacy, and one of the couples who has taken up that mantle is John and Sarah Stonestreet. John is President…
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June 20, 2024 in Leadership, Men, Politics

Charlie Kirk Goes After Woke and a Surprise From the G7!

Turning Point USA Founder Charlie Kirk joins us to reveal his latest book and his zeal for high school and college student ministry and education.…
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June 19, 2024 in Gender Identity, LGBTQ

Coming Out of LGBTQ+ Identity Into Authentic Faith in Jesus

Garry Ingraham, Founder of Love and Truth Network, joins us to share how his childhood experiences being bullied by the same sex, estrangement from his…
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June 18, 2024 in Education, Family, Parenting

Indoctrinating Our Children to Death

Award-winning international journalist and author Alex Newman gives us a master class in educational history. America’s educational system did not start with government schools, and,…
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June 17, 2024 in Culture, LGBTQ, Politics

News and Views

Lots of news to share today! Election fraud updates, the Supreme Court decision on mifepristone (and continued accusations against Justice Alito from Democrats), adults buying…
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June 14, 2024 in Family, Leadership, Men, Spiritual Growth

Insights and Fatherly Wisdom from Dr. Walt Larimore

Dr. Walt Larimore has decades of influence. As a nationally recognized family physician, best-selling author, and award-winning medical journalist, his insights are a treasure. Dr.…
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June 13, 2024 in Leadership, Men, Pastors, Spiritual Growth

A Proclamation of Godly Masculinity

The culture is emasculating men, yet the Church has the answer through biblical masculinity. To help frame the issue, Promise Keepers and other organizations have…
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June 12, 2024 in Fertility, Leadership, Men

What Real Men Do and Don’t Do

A variety of men’s actions paint a clear picture of masculinity. El Salvador President Nayib Bukele displays incredible strength as he turns his country around…
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June 11, 2024 in Culture, Pastors, Politics

Election Expert Brings Biblical Insights

Are you concerned about election integrity, ballot harvesting, and silence on elections from the pulpit? Craig Huey, a renowned speaker, political commentator, and author, joins…
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June 10, 2024 in Gender Identity, LGBTQ, Parenting, Sexual Integrity

Pride Month Insights to Share with Friends

Pride Month is an opportunity to share the truth about what the Bible teaches on all sexual immorality, including homosexuality. Pastor Shane Idleman joins us…
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June 7, 2024 in Health, Life Skills, Parenting

Children’s Poor Digestive Issues are Epidemic

A conversation needs to happen about constipation in children, because it impacts so many families and the results have been seriously devastating. Pediatricians recommend laxatives…
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June 6, 2024 in Counseling, Health, Men

Men’s Mental Health

June is Men’s Mental Health Month, and there are plenty of reasons to focus on this important issue. Suicide for men is four times higher…
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June 5, 2024 in Family, Health, Parenting

Doctors Burn Out, Corporatized Healthcare, Kids Medicated

Is the American health care system beyond repair? Doctors are burnt out, retiring due to insurance demands, dismayed by the corporatization model that has taken…
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June 4, 2024 in LGBTQ, Sexual Integrity, Spiritual Growth

The Song of Songs with Rabbi Schneider and Catholic Concerns

"A Journey into Divine Love: A Revelation of the Song of Songs," Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider’s latest book, will give you a wonderful and powerful…
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June 3, 2024 in Pastors, Politics

News and Views

The guilty verdict continues to make big news. Can Christians still vote for President Trump after a felony conviction? Pastor Shane Idleman has important thoughts…
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May 31, 2024 in Parenting, Pastors, Politics

Trump Trial Verdict

President Donald J. Trump was found guilty. What does this mean for our country? On this sad day, we are not without hope. Join this…
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May 30, 2024 in Family, LGBTQ, Religious Freedom

Washington State Puts LGBT Ideology Over Children’s Needs

The state suffers from a shortage of caregivers, and officials admit they “struggle with recruiting and retaining” people. During 2021, nearly 7,000 children were placed…
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May 29, 2024 in Culture, Life Skills, Spiritual Growth

Work and the Meaning of Life

In Full-Time: Work and the Meaning of Life, David Bahnsen makes the case that our understanding of work and its role in our lives is…
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May 28, 2024 in Culture, Leadership, Politics

News and Views

Closing arguments in the Trump trial and Robert De Niro makes an appearance; prayers are needed for Papua New Guinea due to landslides; tornadoes in…
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May 27, 2024 in Health, Parenting, Social Media

Silent Epidemic Destroying People’s Minds

A sudden, unprecedented change in mental disorders has scientists and practitioners deeply concerned about what is happening to children, teens, and adults. Teachers are dealing…
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May 24, 2024 in COVID/Vaccines, Health, Politics

Big Admissions Coming Out on COVID!

CNN and Chris Cuomo verbally assaulted anyone using ivermectin…wait till you hear what Chris is saying now! Under oath, Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins admit…
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May 23, 2024 in Education, Politics, Religious Freedom

Qatar’s Secret War on America

As pro-Hamas and anti-Israel protests continue, many observers wonder why university administrators were passive in their response. Jeff King, President of International Christian Concern (ICC)…
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May 22, 2024 in Education, Family

The History and Dangers of Teachers’ Unions

Rebecca Friedrichs, founder of For Kids and Country, joins us to shed light on decades of damage done by teachers' unions—to students, teachers, and parents.…
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May 21, 2024 in Culture, Politics

A Potluck of Big Stories

Today, we bring you a variety of important stories, including the clear injustice of a 57-month prison sentence for a pro-life demonstrator; Melinda French Gates…
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May 20, 2024 in Family, Leadership, Politics

Men and Women Pushing Back on the Culture

Kansas City Chief’s kicker Harrison Butker’s commencement speech, promoting family, faith, and pushing back on the woke culture, has ignited the masses. Both the wife…
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May 17, 2024 in Health, Life Skills

Classical Music Can Literally Alter Your Brain!

Music affects everyone, and all music has an impact. Research is revealing powerful truths about certain kinds of music, in particular classical music and its…
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May 16, 2024 in Family, Marriage, Spiritual Growth

Why Christians Shouldn’t be Unequally Yoked

People want companionship, partners in business and life, and marriage. What does the Bible say about these important relationships? Is it possible to be “one”…
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May 15, 2024 in Culture, Politics

Trump Trial and Other News

President Trump’s trial is turning into a circus of shady characters—perjurers and porn stars—and has very little to do with the actual charges. Constitutional law…
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May 14, 2024 in Parenting, Social Media, Spiritual Growth

How Your Phone Habits Can Improve Your Life!

iBIBLE is the world’s first visual and interactive Bible and a great way to teach your kids God’s Word! Revelation Media Vice President Andrea Wilson…
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Legacy Review