Biblical Background
In the beginning God, created mankind. Genesis 1:26 says, “Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.’” Man is the only created being with an essence linked to God’s image! Then, in Genesis 1:27, it says, “In the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” God intentionally designed mankind with two distinct sexual natures, male and female to reflect Him and show different aspects of His nature. What an amazing idea! Men and women are equal, but distinctly different so they may be able to accomplish the same tasks, but will likely manage the process differently. This is good because God does not need redundancy in His Kingdom, but unique capabilities that function together in power. When God made Adam and Eve, He gave them dominion over everything as vice regents on His behalf. Dominion includes the idea of power and it’s important to note that both Adam and Eve had power in their design, and dignity in who they were, prior to marriage. This shows us that men and women can, and should be whole and healthy, living in agreement with their unique design in both singleness and marriage. If marriage occurs, then God’s intentional design of men and women as a powerful plan for wholeness, completion, unity and relationship continues. He brings the woman and man together in Genesis 2:24 for the first marriage, “For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.” In God’s “reality,” one plus one makes one. This natural outcome of male and female relationships does not mean we must all be married (statistically though, marriage is the norm), but it shows a natural progression to a unified, whole relationship that is a holy picture of Christ and the Church.
Have you noticed how “naturally” our male and female relationships move toward unity, or oneness? Why do you think boys and girls notice each other or “like” each other? There is a natural draw, because there is a supernatural plan. This is not an accident, and it is in fact, a positive, powerful prescription. Of course, wise adults want to help young ones postpone this “oneness” until the kids become mature young adults who are whole and integrated. To help your son or daughter prepare for any future relationship, the healthiest thing they can do is practice “being” whole and living with integrity in all five of their aspects as they mature. Both of these truths are key to their success throughout their whole life. A key to unlock the power of being who God made us to “be” (someone unique) is to embrace and express our male or female nature. Sex is not just an act, it is being male and female. Many of us have grown up believing sex was just physical, but it is so much more. It is our male or female nature, expressed in all five aspects of our being: physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual. When we integrate our sexuality (male or female nature) successfully in all five aspects, we are living with sexual integrity. Therefore, your key job as a parent is to validate your child’s sex and help them understand their body, their brain and fertility design, their boy or girl tendencies, their unique personality and their gifting. Their individual package is powerful, and once they gain confidence in who they are, they will also gain competence in what they can do. The sky’s the limit!