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2023 Annual Report

A Year of Expanded Growth and Big Assignments!

Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!
- Psalm 90:17


To help people be sexually whole and live in agreement with God’s divine design.

Sexual Integrity: A Whole Person Approach to Sexuality

We do not see sexuality merely as a physical act but rather, as a core part of our identity as a human person. We are sexual because God created us male or female. Our sexual nature should be expressed throughout all of our being, in five aspects: physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual. When we express our sexuality fully in each area of life, we are integrated, or whole. We have sexual integrity.

This integration creates a picture – or reflection – of God, who made man in His image (Genesis 1:26-27). Because sexuality is more than just physical, The Legacy Institute is committed to framing the issue of sexuality in light of the whole person. In doing so, we offer a blueprint for male and female wholeness, sexual clarity and a lifetime of healthy relationships. We call this the Relationship Model for Sexual Integrity.

Sexual Integrity as the Foundation for Healthy Families

We believe whole individuals build strong healthy families, which are the foundation for successful cultures. A clear understanding of the true purpose and meaning of sexuality is vital to the formation of whole, healthy families. Without sexual integrity, both family and cultural foundations erode and ultimately collapse. Since the beginning of civilization, this truth has been verified anthropologically across cultures and throughout centuries.

Year in Review

Highlights of 2023

At The Legacy Institute, we are committed to promoting God’s divine design of our sexuality by providing educational resources, events and radio teaching based on our unique Relationship Model for Sexual Integrity. Here a some of the ways we did this in 2023!


Nationwide Expansion Reaching Millions

The Carrie Abbott show is now on Sirius XM Channel 131 daily at 4:00pmPT/7:00pmET across the US and Canada, in addition to radio stations covering WA, CA, CO, NM, AZ, and UT!

Radio and Podcast Show Expanded

Avid listeners wanted to hear more, so we expanded the daily show from a half an hour to an hour. Podcasts are available at The Carrie Abbott Show and your favorite podcast app


Worldwide Platform for Pastors

Legacy Classroom equips pastors on all the important emerging issues of the day. Worldwide access is free to all pastors and their teams.


New Website Strengthens Families, Serves Leaders

Our new Legacy website offers even more help to those in need of resources, podcasts, curricula and other relevant information. Legacy Library is a popular destination

The Weekly Review Includes Articles and More!

We now include all the research articles and show links, so you have the information Carrie includes in her shows at your fingertips! Sign up here (link) if you are not getting this vital information!

Prayer and Praise Newsletter Now Monthly

We now offer a monthly prayer newsletter for our prayer team members, assuring you have our current needs and vital prayer requests, along with important team highlights. Sign up here.


Our vision is to bring the light of God's truth to all issues relating to our relationships and sexuality.

The Legacy Institute has been helping people live in agreement with their divine design since 2001 through resources, events and radio/podcast ministry. How can we serve you?

People Reached annually
Free Blueprints

Popular National Radio Show

In 2023 the Lord brought an amazing opportunity for The Legacy Institute to take our message of sexual integrity and divine design to the masses, through the expansion of our radio program and podcast. In July we began airing on Sirius XM Channel 131 at 4:00pm PT/7:00pm ET daily. We also expanded our daily radio show and podcast to an hour, offering our listening community more access to truth delivered with grace. Because of our amazing partners, The Carrie Abbott show will continue to bring you news and views you can trust, relationship insights you need and guests who will inspire you! Below are some of the guests we had on our show this year:


year of daily shows





Notable Guests from 2023 include Sen. Tommy Tuberville, Jim Caviezel, Dr. Peter McCullough, Eric Metaxas, Susie Larson, Kristen Waggoner, Stephen Arterburn, Dr. George Barna, actor Dean Caine.

I Would like to express my gratitude to you and your team for all the hard work in delivering such an amazing radio program. Always balanced in truth in light of scripture. You are not afraid to speak truth, and do it with bold, loving, kind words. Thank you!


This is tremendous. I appreciate the hard facts delivered with a soft heart. It is a very winsome appeal making cases that are not popular, but very Biblical.

Pastor in India

Legacy Classroom

Helping pastors engage todays emerging issues through 8 different courses: Male and Female, Marriage, Family, Fertility, Abortion, Pornography, Homosexuality and Transgender Issues

In 2023 we spread the good news about Legacy Classroom through our national radio show and podcast, word of mouth and focused ads. We also partnered with the Northwest Ministry Network of the Assemblies of God, creating a plan to introduce Legacy Classroom to their 360 churches and nearly 1400 credentialed ministers throughout Washington and North Idaho. The introduction was successful, and we will build on this plan in 2024, encouraging more participation nationwide and worldwide through this denomination and many others.

This will give pastoral teams:

  • Biblical wisdom to engage gender identity confusion.
  • Valuable research and data from the nation’s leading relationship experts.
  • Unique material and methods you can utilize in your ministry.
  • Knowledge and skills for effectively counseling couples and parents.
  • Insights to help you successfully engage all hot button issues with greater empathy.
  • Access to timely resource lists for personal and ministry use.

Trusted Experts

Vetted theologians, experts and authors

Powerful Content

Articles, videos, research and podcasts

Bonus Perks

Special Access to Unique Resources and Support

Year in Review


We are grateful to the Lord for the generosity of our partners!  You help us reach hundreds of thousands to millions of people with our Legacy message and mission. Thank you!

Looking to 2024

The Legacy team will continue to produce our national daily radio show and podcast with the highest level of excellence possible. Our Legacy partners and radio sponsors play a vital role in our ongoing production and any further expansion. And, of course, prayer undergirds all of our goals!

True Beauty will launch in the first quarter of 2024. This ground-breaking study on biblical femininity will help bring clarity to the confusion teen girls and college women are facing. We will be developing a “girl” campaign as a companion strategy to expand the awareness of True Beauty.

Relationships with Integrity curricula will get a make-over this year in various grades. This resource will help Christian schools and churches equip parents in the area of relationship education and sexual identity.

Special events for 2024 will be announced.

Sexual Integrity: A Whole Person Approach to Sexuality

Sexual integrity is expressing the gift of our sexuality throughout our whole lives in agreement with God’s intentional design. Living with sexual integrity means making smart decision about physical sexual relationships. It means choosing to stay whole as a person, or moving toward wholeness if we’ve been hurt. But sexual integrity involves more than just making good sexual decisions. It also involves knowing who we are as men and women and choosing the most appropriate and compelling ways to express our male and female natures, physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially and spiritually. When we live this way we don’t just avoid pain, we become whole, fruitful, life-giving people who offer our broken world a glimpse of the very nature of God Himself. When we live according to our design, we exert real power and influence and are able to truly expand the Kingdom of God, just by being who God made us to be.

At The Legacy Institute, Our Goal Is To Be Catalysts Of Cultural Change.

Our mission, our vision and our statement of faith all point to the truth that our sexuality is more than just a physical act but rather the core of who we are as human beings. When we see our sexuality this way, we begin to think differently and to live differently. We see order and design in our bodies, our relationships and our families and we are inspired and empowered to make decisions that bring life, love and legacy to our world.

About Us

In a culture where everyone wants true love, passionate romance and deeply satisfying relationships, why do so many people seem…


Our Mission & Vision

Our mission is help people be sexually whole and live in agreement with God’s divine design. Our vision is to bring the light of God’s truth…


Statement of Faith

We believe God is a loving and relational union of Persons, who consists of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and chose to create men and women…