RWI – 5: God is One — Online Version


  • This unit emphasizes God as a union of persons. The unit sub-title is “an Adventure In Friendship”, which focuses on unity, wholeness and being integrated people. The emphasis on healthy friendships helps students create patterns and principles for all relationships, as they grow older. The student’s five aspects (physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social) are introduced for the first time.


  • K-HS Blueprints Online
  • K-HS Blueprints PDF-50 Blueprints!
  • One grade, 5 Lessons (See Samples)
  • Online Media access – Audio/Video
  • Online access to all Handouts, material lists, banners, activities included!


This unit emphasizes God as a union of persons. The unit sub-title is “an Adventure In Friendship”, which focuses on unity, wholeness and being integrated people. The emphasis on healthy friendships helps students create patterns and principles for all relationships, as they grow older. The student’s five aspects (physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social) are introduced for the first time.


  • K-HS Blueprints Online
  • K-HS Blueprints PDF-50 Blueprints!
  • One grade, 5 Lessons (See Samples)
  • Online Media access – Audio/Video
  • Online access to all Handouts, material lists, banners, activities included!

You can copy any or all (50!) of the blueprint pdf’s as well as five of the Relationships with Integrity lessons (1 grade), banners, handouts etc., You cannot copy them for use with other families, co-ops, church, school, club settings, or promotional use. You may use the media for your family’s learning.