Kentucky Flooding, Artur Pawlowski wins a victory in court, 500 Healthcare workers millions fighting mandated shots and loss of jobs, Tavistock gender clinic closed due…
Dr. Richard G. Urso, Co-Founder with Dr. Malone of the International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists (18,000 strong) brings disturbing facts about the dangerous…
42,000 dead, 3.9 million adverse reactions in Europe, US 30,000 dead, 68,000% increase in strokes, 44,000% increase in heart disease, 1100% increase in deaths in…
The CDC was caught hiding data and are politicized according to Dr. Malone. He brings other facts showing vaccines may increase Omicron infection. We also…
In recent weeks medical scholars and infectious disease specialists are attempting to alert parents to the truth about mask efficacy, the real harm they are…