So, the Twitter Files story continues, shedding light on the lies that were pervasive and uncovering people involved. Lies bring oppression. Speaking of lies, American…
Canada’s physician assisted suicide has increased deaths bringing disturbing outcomes and now they are going after minors! Your 401k may be dying if the Biden…
The culture subtly whispers that your personal goals may be stunted if you have children. Lawyer and Issues Analyst Nicole Hunt challenges this narrative sharing…
Is the culture being destroyed? According to Saturday Night Live, something is terribly wrong. Victor David Hansen brings insights on the Thin Veneer of Civilization…
A growing coalition of state governments is pushing back on the world’s largest asset manager, saying it is putting its political agenda over the interests…
COVID gave unprecedented power to government officials, who determined what was essential. With churches closed, Sean Feucht, speaker, author and artist began gathering people to…