Author Douglas Weiss Ph.D explains the 5 sexual expressions that are most common to spouses. Each expression is unique and important, yet Doug warns of…
Abandonment, divorce, infidelity, abuse, etc. are real and might cause fear for some people about commitment or marriage. Dr. Greg Smalley explains how with the…
This one word will change your marriage! Best-selling author Gary Thomas explains how cherish is different than love. Inspiring for every marriage and committed dating…
Most couples avoid conversations about money due to different values, fears and history. Researcher and author Shaunti Feldhahn brings enlightening research and how we can…
Rick and Tiffany Bulman share their story of pastoring, parenting and living in a rocky marriage. How did their childhood, personalities and story make them…
Divorce is much lower than 50%, most marriages last and are happy and other great news from author and social researcher Shaunti Feldhahn. See: