Cutting, burning and other physical self-harm is a reality for some people especially teens. Joannie DeBrito Ph.D. explains why this happens and how we can…
An expert on youth culture, Jonathan McKee shares his own heartbreaking story of being bullied, how it impacted his identity and the impact of bullying…
New Research from the CDC shows the overwhelming reality that teens who are sexually active have higher rates of unhealthy behavior in many areas. Some…
Erin Smalley shares a heart-warming journey with her daughter and gives us great insight on how to encourage healthy body image. Inspiring and encouraging!
Nick Watts cautions all parents about the Netflix series regarding teen suicide. This dark series includes graphic rape, graphic suicide and most teens are watching…
Sarah Taylor, radio personality with SPIRIT 105.3, struggled in Jr. High like many of your daughters. Her story will encourage you and help you understand…