Imagine a fun setting where women lead junior high girls through activities on friendships, lessons on purity, true beauty, life skills, service projects, and more…
Author Tom Gilson gives parents a guide to discussing Homosexuality with teens effectively. Excellent! Author and Apologist Tom Gilson highlights common phrases often used…
Kindness can improve all your relationships! Shaunti Feldhahn explains the research and the first of 3 important steps to make kindness a superpower! Author…
Denise Shick, Director of Hope For Families shares the cultural impact on the increase and the risks. Hope For Families works with those struggling with…
Author and teen expert Jonathan McKee shares candid facts about the very real messages kids hear about sexuality and how to respond effectively. Don’t miss…
Carrie’s guest, teen culture expert Jonathan McKee gives five important tips on how to have better conversations and provides 180 conversation starters. Very helpful! …