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What is Fear?

Does fear keep you from doing something? Is some fear healthy? How do we manage it and is there hope? Dr. Gregg Jantz answers these…
October 20, 2019

Anxiety in Marriage

Do you or your spouse suffer from anxiety, fear, phobias? Anxiety affects 40 million Americans and can be debilitating. Glenn Lutjens offers help, caring, practical…
October 20, 2019

#1 Counseling Issue

Carrie and Joe Dallas, counselor and founder of Genesis Biblical Solutions gives practical advice on the #1 issue he is helping people with nationwide, pornography.…
December 8, 2017

Pain Drives Change

Do you feel hopeless because of pain in your life? Damon Stoddard shares how his story of childhood trauma and abuse led to his anger…
November 12, 2017