Your 12 year old daughter can get birth control without your knowledge! Dr. Michelle Cretella with American College of Pediatricians explains the dangers of Nurx.
Denise Shick, Director of Hope For Families shares the cultural impact on the increase and the risks. Hope For Families works with those struggling with…
Carrie invites Brook Urick, PR Manger with Seeking Arrangements to explain the relationship of Sugar Daddies and Sugar Babies and why she thinks it is…
Are you afraid, worried, stressed or noticing physical signs of these things? Dr. Gregg Jantz defines anxiety and explains the root causes. Helpful! With…
Author and teen expert Jonathan McKee shares candid facts about the very real messages kids hear about sexuality and how to respond effectively. Don’t miss…
Why would Seattle schools give 11 year olds birth control, including IUD’s, without their parent’s consent? What “thinking” lies behind this? Carrie unravels the mystery.
Carrie asks, "Is birth control for teens a good idea?". Eye-opening research that your pediatrician and/or family doctor is probably not telling you (or aware…