In the US 24 million kids live in single parent homes. Rob Jackson, a counselor who specializes in family issues brings hope, encouragement and practical…
With Asbury and other outpourings of God’s Spirit happening, how do we know this is authentic? Can we experience revival? Pastor Alec Rowlands shares some…
Legislation is being proposed in Washington State that will impact other states, destroying families while giving children rights to manage their own decisions on mental…
Abortion leaves lasting negative impacts on men. Brad Mattes explains the outcomes in lives of men involved with abortion and how men can find healing.…
We hear gratitude makes a difference, but according to research the changes are bigger than we realize. Joannie DeBrito Ph.D. brings her wisdom and 30…
Author, nurse practitioner and expert on women’s health Teresa Kenney has written a fabulous guide book for every woman to better understand, value and protect…
Healthy and educational dance for children is being replaced with hypersexualized dance routines and performances being taught to girls as young as four and five…